ABOUT - Results

Expected results of the project include:

  • finding effective solutions for the prevention and management of pests and IAS;
  • securing scientific support for the development of relevant EU policies;
  • achieving significant economic gains or avoided losses for Europe's agriculture and forestry sectors;
  • enhancing product quality while reducing environmental impacts (i.e. lower chemical levels, fewer new pests);
  • successful development of science-based tools to improve the productivity and resilience of agriculture and forestry in the context of changing environmental conditions; and
  • having a positive impact on a range of agricultural and forestry production practices and risk-management practices.

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Final Workshop - EMPHASIS on the International Year of Plant Health

The event was organized by the project coordinator Agroinnova, the Center of Competence for the Innovation in the agro-environmental field of University of Torino, directed by Maria Lodovica Gullino.




EMPHASIS survey of potential end-users extended

This short survey aims to learn more about how the practical solutions for pest surveillance, control and eradication developed under the EMPHASIS project address the needs of potential end-users.


EMPHASIS survey of end-users: deadline extended till 19 February 2019




This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 634179.